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Digitise your entire accounts payable function

General Ledger

We’ve just soft launched our new digital accounts payable module

As expected the interest has been very high, so we are asking existing clients of aIQ to register their interest so that we can schedule the implementation.

It will reduce your costs by up to 67 percent and give you a true digital solution.

How It Works:
1) All of your company invoices get scanned or sent to a dedicated e-mail address

2) Invoices get processed through an intelligent OCR engine that matches the supplier and pulls the relevant data from received e-mails

3) All processed invoices automatically appear in your aIQ database for posting to the ledger or e-mail approval

4) Its simple and it works 100% because any exceptions are dealt with by our ISO certified partner Kefron

How To Add This Function:
E-Mail to register your interest


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