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Disabling of TLS Version 1.1 for inbound and outbound connections to AccountsIQ from 31st March 2020

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What’s TLS 1.1 and why are we disabling it?

TLS stands for Transport Layer Security and it’s a communications protocol used to ensure there is an encrypted connection between two communicating applications such as your internet browser and/or your integrated application and AccountsIQ.

When an application such as your Internet Browser (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari) or an integrated application connects with AccountsIQ, it can be configured to use a specific TLS version which determines the encryption ciphers used to establish the connection’s security.

TLS Version 1.1 is an older version of this protocol and has been superseded by newer versions 1.2 and 1.3.

Security best practice recommends that support for TLS 1.1 be discontinued.

AccountsIQ plans on discontinuing support for TLS 1.1 at the edge of our hosting networks from 31 March 2020 and afterwards any traffic communicating using TLS 1.1 will be blocked.  There will be no downtime during this transition period, but please ensure that you take action (see below) in advance of this to ensure there is no disruption to your use of the system.

Check if your browser is using TLS 1.1 to communicate with our host servers

Checking if your browser uses TLS 1.1 is easy and takes less than a minute.

For each of the most widely used browsers follow these steps to check…

Internet Explorer 11.0

Choose ‘Tools’>>’Internet Options’>>’Advanced’ tab and then scroll to the bottom.  Then remove the tick from TLS 1.1 here but leaving TLS 1.2 and 1.3 checked.

Google Chrome

Connections are automatically negotiated at the highest TLS setting so there is no need to make a setting change.


  • Navigate to about:config
  • Look for tls.version.min
  • Edit the value to “3”

NOTE: If your local IT Policy prevents you from making these changes (e.g. if you don’t have admin rights on your computer), please contact your IT Support and provide this information to them so they can make the change for you.

Ask Questions

If you have any questions please let us know at and we’ll be happy to help you.

System Integrators – IMPORTANT!

If your company has built an existing custom integration with AccountsIQ, it’s important that you pass this message onto the technical team responsible as they may need to make a change on the installed version of their integration package, if it only communicates over TLS 1.1 right now and does not use the later protocol versions.

Again, if you or your technical team have any questions, please let us know at

Take Action Now!

If you have confirmed that your browser communicates using TLS 1.1 only please make the necessary changes as outlined above.

Similarly, if you have an integrated application sending or receiving data from AccountsIQ, please ensure that this message is forwarded to the technical team responsible so that this can be checked.

If you have confirmed that your organization supports TLS 1.2 and above, we’d like to thank you for your efforts and let you know that we are here to help if needed.