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AccountsIQ’s growth reaches all time high

AccountsIQ has had a tremendous year so far with 872 new companies coming on board and switching accounting software to AccountsIQ. Winning Enterprise Accounting Software of the Year recently for the second year running was the icing on the cake! Here are just a few of our new customers:

Armstrong Watson

Armstrong Watson are one of the 25 largest accountancy practices in the UK. They chose to replace their finance system with AccountsIQ, as it is easily scalable and can grow with them as they expand. The short lead time to get AccountsIQ implemented and up and running was also a big factor in their decision to switch to AccountsIQ. Currently AccountsIQ gives them the ability to consolidate their seven entities and our open API means they can obtain increased efficiency through connecting AccountsIQ with other best of breed systems and it is affordable to do so.

Statera Energy

Statera Energy are a renewable energy group who had been using Excel, but found that this was not a long term solution.  Their accounting needs are relatively simple, but with lots of energy assets and Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs), their consolidation requirements were quite sophisticated, hence moving to AccountsIQ.

Selladoor Worldwide

This theatre production company previously used Quickbooks, they have grown rapidly and adopted AccountsIQ to vastly reduce the amount of time spent producing financial reports. Profitability reporting on each of their productions was key and the ability to track their investments in each production as well as at a company level.

DG International

DG International are an international logistics company who adopted AccountsIQ as it could give them a multi-currency consolidation solution for their US and UK entities and could be easily integrated with their CRM (Salesforce).

Mirriad Advertising plc

Mirriad is a video technology company delivering in-video advertising globally and they use AccountsIQ for its strengths in multi-currency consolidation. They have entities across the globe and so multicurrency capability and consolidation was key.

Grant making charity

This not for profit uses AccountsIQ’s finance system designed for charity accounting to enable them to track and get insight on funds that have been ringfenced for certain spending.

Oxygen Freejumping

Oxygen are a leisure company that has adopted AccountsIQ for its powerful functionality that enables them to consolidate their 7 entities and manage intercompany accounting easily.

About AccountsIQ

AccountsIQ’s award-winning financial management and consolidation software simplifies how finance functions capture, process and report the results of multiple location businesses.

Built for the cloud, AccountsIQ is ideal for dynamic businesses that are growing locally or internationally, via subsidiaries, acquisition or through a franchising model, enabling anytime-anywhere processing, while allowing easy central control and consolidated reporting of results. Our unique consolidation engine, along with our ability to integrate with other applications, makes AccountsIQ easy to scale.

Today, over 4,000 companies in 85 countries enjoy 24-7 access to top level Financial Management functionality, providing smarter working practices, including integrated approval workflow app, expenses app and API integration with front end systems, while delivering simple and accurate consolidated results and a superior level of business insight.  Check out our customer case studies to discover how we have helped companies large and small, transform their finance function.

For more info about the core features of our cloud accounting software, please get in touch.


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